Secret’s behind your Browser ?

Hi Guyz.

Welcome Back!!

Have you’r ever thought wat’s behind your browser and how it works ? No!!, then here is quick brief of how it works.

Basically your Browser is a “CLIENT” , let me elaborate in real life scenario you visit a Restaurant and have a seat, The seat is your browser it may be (Chrome, Firefox, IE or ..etc) free to choose any seat, Now you Order anything  to the server, Correlate this to entering an url of your choice in browser and hit enter, This is called as a “REQUEST” to the server.

Now the SERVER takes the “REQUEST” similar to the server in the restaurant takes your  ‘order’ .

Now, What Is SERVER?

“SERVER” is also a computer with big amount of hardware which can take all the ‘REQUEST” and process it.

Now, the SERVER process your ‘REQUEST” and generates the answer the “RESPONSE” similarly the cook is the processor of your order and cook’s your food and give it to the server.

Now once your “RESPONSE” is ready the server serves the same to the CLIENT.

Below is the Small Picture of it works the ‘CLIENT SERVER ARCHITECTURE’.


Now, you know some basics of the browser.

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How to get your website in 2 minutes ?

Hi Guys, Checkout how to get to own website in 2 minutes with out any much technical skills.

Sign up for the following link.

The above link is free Red Hat driven project for creating your web.

After this with some clicks your done with your web.

For an End User,

You can create a blog site with some simple clicks and you would be done.

For a Techie,

Guys you have some thing more to handle with.

1) You can Host a free PHP, ROR, Python ..  applications and Even any static HTML Websites with PHP server running.

2) You can also have a Blog running as i do.

3) You can also have Jenkins and Jboss.

And you have lots of other things to checkout.

Hope you liked my first blog, also leave your comment if you liked or wanna give me a suggestion.

Thank you.